Dojang Bansa

Overview costs

Here you will find a clear overview of the costs with explanation

Eenmalige inschrijfkosten €85,- 

The registration fee includes the starters pack the costs will cover the following items

  • Registration at the World Tang Soo Do Association
  • Registration at the Nederlandse Tang Soo Do Associatie
  • First month tuition fee
  • A Do Bohk (Korean for Uniform)
  • Emblems for the Uniform
  • Acces to a few digital documents
Lesgeld €28,50

​After the first month of lessons that are included in the registration fee, you pay tuition. The annual tuition is spread over 12 months. 

  • ​5% discount when you decide to pay the annual tuition at once
Examens (gekleurede banders) €25-€30

​You can only be invited to an exam by the chief instructor. It its likely that some students have a diffrent learning speeds. Therefor some students might advance faster than others.

Wedstrijden(optioneel) €25-€30 

The competion fee might vary depending on the additional elements added. The 3 official elements are;

  • Hyungs (Forms)
  • Dae Ryun (Sparring)
  • Moogi Sul (Weapons)

​In competitions such as a club championship there are often extra elements to compete in. To cover the costs for the prices and other materials, an extra contribution can be requested per element.
For example

  • Breaktests
  • Creative Form
  • Team Form
  • Team Sparring
  • Demonstration